How Do I Increase Organic Traffic Using Content?
The importance of traffic to your business website should never be undervalued. Every visitor to your site is an opportunity to convert someone into a customer — ideally, a long-term customer who’ll help spread the word about your great business. But how do you increase organic traffic using content? Do you try to increase it from search engines, or do you invest in paid search traffic using digital ads?
While both methods require an investment and are effective at driving traffic to websites in their own ways, most internet marketing experts agree that the better play is to increase organic traffic with search engine optimization (SEO) techniques designed for organic search traffic. Why? Because unpaid search engine results are a more sustainable way to generate traffic to websites. Paid search ads can increase traffic, too, but they require more ongoing investment and produce spotty results that don’t help increase organic traffic.
So buckle in, and we’ll tell you how to boost organic traffic using content with these SEO tips.
Table of Contents
1. Craft winning headlines

The trick to enticing an audience to read your blog post or other content is to create no-miss headlines. Too often, bloggers swing for the fences with their blog posts while striking out with the headline — but a headline that features long-tail keywords aimed at your target audience is one of the most fundamental ways to drive organic traffic to your site. Once there, visitors can access the content that interests them and discover your products and services.
Headlines are also a crucial player in how well your content ranks on search engine results pages. That’s why it’s essential to perform keyword research to ensure your content is ranking well with search engines like Google — and the better your site is optimized, the easier it becomes to increase organic traffic using content.
2. Research Your Topic and Then Approach It from a New Angle

To increase organic traffic using content, it’s essential to not only perform keyword research but also to research your topic and determine what’s been published in reference to it — you want to see what angles have been covered. Not only is it imperative to write high-quality content that's original and targeted for organic traffic, but it’s also extremely helpful to publish a topic that hasn’t been covered or a topic that comes with a fresh perspective.
Search engines register organic traffic to your website; if your fresh content begins to pick up steam, the search engines are apt to boost your rank when related keywords wind up in their queries. Let’s take this topic: how do I increase organic traffic using content on my website?
First, there are going to be some redundancies; you can hardly address the basics of any topic without covering, well, the basics. We’re going to tell you to publish high-quality content to increase organic traffic, the same as most other digital marketing firms. But then, we’re going to reveal our fresh perspective on the matter. We’re going to define our brand of helpful, people-first content designed for organic search traffic. We’re going to look at what's been published on a topic and update, advance, and transform it into something more relative, more authoritative, and more readable. That’s a boutique content development agency for you. That’s Stretch.
The fact is, even topics that seem mundane can be improved with more wow factor. Sometimes, the wow factor is going to impress the search engine bots with its mastery of long-tail keywords and internal links; sometimes, it’ll include angles that haven’t been addressed, and sometimes, it’ll feature updated information based on cutting-edge research. The truth is, there’s always a way to make quality content for organic traffic even better. That’s what we do every single day.
3. Produce consistent, snackable, sharable content

Given the competitive nature of digital marketing, with businesses (including your competitors) scrambling to increase organic traffic, it’s not enough to publish haphazardly. Think about this mantra: how you do one thing is how you do all things. The quality of your work becomes a habit. So, make a habit of producing high-quality content designed to increase search traffic, content that’s engaging and worthy of sharing from one social media platform to another.
What makes content shareable for search traffic? What makes a blog post go viral or promote referral traffic? What makes it deftly fulfill search intent and improve search rankings? Quality. The best content for organic traffic is useful, but beyond that, it embodies storytelling elements, appeals to emotions, contains useful internal links, and is worthy of social validation. In order for search traffic to share your content, visitors have to feel connected to it or why forge the attachment? Content that's snackable and shareable is the driver of social media marketing.
So, it’s essential to make producing quality content a habit when writing for organic traffic. You can do this in any number of ways — hire a firm like Stretch Creative and its team of talented writers, include a guest blog post on your site from highly regarded industry individuals, prioritize content development with company resources, or schedule time to strategize content development each month with your search traffic in mind.
4. Increase your organic traffic using content — grab the low-hanging fruit

Hey, no one says that the only way to increase organic traffic to your website is to generate Pulitzer Prize-worthy content. By all means, publish the low-hanging fruit, the material your company is uniquely qualified to produce that’ll still wind up in a search box. This may be all you need to do to increase organic traffic using content.
In terms of SEO, low-hanging fruit refers to the keywords that are ranking but aren’t as competitive as others. Grab these. They can still help you boost traffic without the stiff competition associated with more high-ranking keywords. Keyword difficulty is a challenge for creating content, but a relevant keyword phrase and some of that low-hanging fruit will help you pop up in an organic search when users search for those keywords.
And that’s where keyword research comes in. Keyword research helps you identify which keywords and keyword phrases are of the low-hanging variety and most likely to drive traffic to your website.
Moreover — and this is the important thing — make sure you publish the keyword-rich content your customers and potential customers need and are likely to be searching for. Target long-tail keywords and consider numerous keyword ideas when creating content. Search volume is going to encompass a lot of that low-hanging fruit, so grab it and address it in high-quality and shareable ways. Use the Google Search Console and Google Analytics to measure SEO traffic and the performance of all the keywords you've included that appear in search volume and search queries.
5. Create the best content you possibly can

Search engines and, more precisely, search engine bots demand high-quality content. Without it, improved search engine rank is likely to remain elusive. Organic search drives improved page rank, and better rank means more organic traffic to your online destinations — like your website or business blog. And it all starts with exceptional content.
Stretch Creative features a team of writers specializing in SEO content designed to drive organic business traffic with demonstrable results. Optimized content is the key to organic search and increasing organic website traffic. Whether you operate a brick-and-mortar or online business, you can depend on digital marketing to effectively promote your brand along with its products and services.The team at Stretch Creative includes industry-specific writers and experienced copywriters who create content based on SEO keyword research. This approach helps drive targeted traffic and makes sense of your business’s unique brand. In short, we partner and collaborate with you to achieve your online marketing goals, providing precisely what you need to boost organic site traffic. Contact us to learn more.
Increase organic traffic using content FAQs
What is the meaning of organic search traffic?
What is the meaning of organic search traffic?
Organic search traffic refers to searchers who make a query on a search engine like Google and click on a link to visit your website. Organic search traffic is unpaid and represents more than half of all online traffic. Organic traffic can't be bought; it has to be earned with SEO strategies and the quality of your online presence.
What drives organic traffic?
Increasing organic traffic to your website requires a high search engine rank such as appearing on page one of a Google search. Typically, the better your search rank, the more organic traffic you can attract. To achieve a higher rank and more organic traffic, of course, requires optimization, including SEO-friendly content that includes competitive keywords, long tail key phrases, and is relative and authoritative, but also avoids unsavory practices like keyword cannibalization.
Do blogs increase website traffic?
Yes, blog posts, with and without guest blogging, can increase organic traffic, especially if they are optimized just as website content should be optimized. A blog post or guest post that contains relevant keywords (included for search volume) and demonstrates the author’s expertise and authoritativeness supports the site’s overall search engine optimization. Guest blogging is a helpful strategy for showing up in search engine results, particularly when the author has high search volume and credibility with search engines.
Is Google search the best search engine to optimize for?
Yes. Google search commands more organic traffic (organic visitors) than other search engines. Google enjoys an online market share of more than 90%. Plus, if your website is optimized for Google search with popular keywords, it’s likely going to rank with other search engines too and increase organic traffic. Generating more organic traffic on one search engine is likely to impact the other sites too.
Are paid ads better than SEO for search engines?
Organic traffic accounts for more than half of website traffic. That makes it immensely important to a business’s internet marketing strategy. SEO supports long-term, sustainable online marketing and perpetual organic traffic. Paid ads also generate traffic and can be particularly useful for supporting online campaigns. Typically, both SEO search traffic and paid ads can help increase sales. However, SEO organic traffic offers long-term benefits that paid ads do not and is vital for outshining competitor sites on Google or other search engines.